Friday, April 16, 2010

dog adoption and druggie parents

I need to stop looking at the Craigslist pets section. I miss my doggies dearly and I think the only thing that will cure it is another doggie. But I can't adopt a doggy right now. I can't afford to keep it couped up in my apartment all day while I'm working. Maybe when I move to the farm ehh? But the farm is already loaded with doggies. Maybe they will ease my burden. A little wet dog nose always does the trick (or in my case Cleo's rank breath!) she really does have the worst!

So I was just googling blogs and looking into adoption sites and I came accross this blog. This girl tells her story of trying to adopt a rottweiler. It's kindof crazy. It boggles my mind how easy it is to bring a life into this world; a mother and father that have no business raising a child but yet they can bring this wonderful little baby into the world and then completely screw it up and when the state wants to take it away it's a huge battle. Adopting a dog is harder than creating a human being! And we all know dogs don't pay taxes or collect wellfare or social security. And dogs don't rob banks or sell drugs or kill people. And if they do kill people, it was probably the pet of the child who was brought into this world through druggie parents and got this dog so he could use it to fight other dogs to get money to pay for his drug habit that he got in his mother's womb. UGH!!!

Can you TELL that this rubs me the wrong way!?

I really gotta figure out some stress management! haha. j/k. Although my stress level is probably pretty high I've always been good at managing it. But I really am getting tired of some of these foster parents who don't answer their phone calls. You would THINK that a FOSTER parent is responsible right!? They are the temporary PARENT of the child who's real parents can't care for them... so they must be responsible right!?


They don't return phonecalls. I'll tell you that much.
Okay, to be fair it's not everybody. There are some fabulous foster parents out there, but they are NOT the norm.

But that's another post for another time. I'm already cooking it up.

Later y'all!

1 comment:

  1. This is also the reason I shouldn't goto the Petsmart adoption areas, I just melt when I see all these little furry miaow-miaow and woof-woof faces doing huge kitty/puppy dog eyes at me!!

    I was never allowed a dog as a child. Firstly, I was a bit jumpy around dogs. Secondly, my mum would never allow it, she was crazily house proud and would complain about the possibility of wet dog smell.

    Now I love the idea of having a dog. I love walking for miles. I'm responsible (sorta). I fell in love with my boyfriend's aunties border collie and his parent's Labrador, Hastings even when they were a handful.

    But like you we've realised it's not feasible right now :( Time and space-wise. We'll definitely look into it when we've traveled a bit and settled down.

    Nik xx
