Friday, February 12, 2010

asking for serenity...

Someone told me that I need to change the seashells... I suppose she's right. They don't really seem that appropriate right now with all the snow we've been getting. I've had to dig my car out of the show 3 times! There is no covered parking in Maryland, everything is open. I suppose they're doing a pretty good job with the roads around here but it just never seems good enough. I heard it's supposed to snow again on Monday but I'm not sure how bad it's gonna be. The worst part about all the snow? Living in an apartment complex. There is limited parking, and it's so frustrating when you dig your car out, go to work and then when you get home you find that someone stole your hard-earned parking spot. People have resorted to putting chairs in their spots. Everyone seems to be respecting it. We found a car seat in the trash and have been using that for my spot. That way there's no chance of anyone stealing my nice pink $6 fold out chair from Target :)

My roommates continue to challenge me. We resorted to changing the lock on the door so that it requires a key. Of course this threw my roommates into a laughting tizzyfit. They like to holler out cames at me when I walk by their bedroom. It's very mature. I've also resorted to putting my dishes, bowls, cups & some silverware in my room because I got tired of washing the dishes and putting them away and then having to wash them again because someone used them and there weren't any clean ones left. Ugh. Serious Ugh. I am truely learning patience and surprisingly enough how to talk back to nasty people. The art of communication doesn't so much work when you live with animals who don't speak your language. ... Oh I just remembered, the girl who doesn't live there (who's boyfriend lives there and she lives there but does not assume any responsibility for any part of the house, cleaning or otherwise...) has decided that she wants to get a puppy! YAAAY!!! Boy am I excited.

I keep reminding myself that this is only temporary and it was a nececity and I will get through this and will be better for it, but boy it's frustrating. I didn't know that people could really live like that and be so cruel. I guess you learn things all the time. With age does not always come maturity or a better more adult life.

God grant me this serenity to accpet the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

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